What To Expect

What To Expect And How To Prepare For Your Appointment

What to expect

Before your First Appointment:

Please download and fill out the Authorization for Professional Services and Proper History forms for each animal. These forms are found on our Facebook page under ‘Notes’ or they can be emailed to you. Continue any medication/treatment prescribed for your animal(s) by your veterinarian. Please let us know prior to your appointment if your animal is on any anti-inflammatory medications, as these can affect portions of the exam.

What to Bring:

Dogs: Bring a well-fitting collar and leash.

Cats: If transporting, please bring in a carrier with a favorite blanket or bed.

Horses: Bring a well-fitting halter and lead, and your saddle(s) and/or harness(es) with any pads or fittings used.

Cattle: Bring a halter, and have access to a head-gait in applicable

Your Appointment:

A typical appointment lasts between 30 minutes to 90 minutes. The first appointment may take longer. Most often, an appointment starts with a thorough history including temperament, diet, personality, interaction with other people and animals and previous treatments. The initial exam will often include a moving exam where the animal is observed at multiple gaits with and/or without tack. The practitioner then examines the animal through a series of motions for any stiffness, pain, swelling, heat, or other changes in the body or gait.

Chiropractic therapy looks for decreased range of motion or other restriction (subluxations) in the joints of the body, more specifically the spine. This is done through motion palpation, a series of controlled movements that move the joints through their normal range of motion. A chiropractic practitioner then manually adjusts these subluxations with a very quick and concise movement of the joint.

Acupuncture is a method of treatment by which specific points on the body are stimulated. Stimulation can occur through pressure, needles, fluids, electrical current, and/or heat. The goal of acupuncture is to restore the flow of energy through the body for balance and restored health. Additional therapies may include tui-na, herbs or diet modification.

Why Chiropractic & Acupuncture:

Chiropractic is a very safe therapy when performed by a trained chiropractic practitioner. Chiropractic can work on the entire body through its effect on the nervous system. The nervous system is made up of the brain, spine and nerves, and controls the entire body. Nerves pass out of the spine to control the body. Restrictions or subluxations in the spine can negatively affect these nerves and therefore cause negative effects in the body.

Subluxations can be caused by trauma, improperly fitting equipment, age, repetitive use or daily life that can cause excessive wear on joints.

Many studies have shown that acupuncture is beneficial to reducing pain, regulating gastrointestinal motility, decreasing inflammation, stimulating the immune system, regulating hormones and promoting micro-circulation. Acupuncture is a very safe medical procedure, some side that may occur include redness or bleeding at the site, bent needles and pain at insertion.

After Your Appointment:


After most appointments you will be sent home with discharge instructions; these could include stretches, exercises or other activities, as well as a recommended time for a follow-up appointment. The frequency and number of sessions will vary depending on the condition being treated, at least 3 sessions may be needed before improvement is seen. After a session your animal may be more or less active than normal, or possibly sore. Please call us or your primary veterinarian with any concerns or questions.